Izotope Rx 7 Compression

Izotope Rx 7 Compression 4,6/5 1644 reviews

Time-Stretch & Pitch-Shift. IZotope Radius. Radius offers several settings which can be adjusted to get better results. The best strategy is always to experiment as much as possible, since Radius's behavior can be very dependent on the source material you are using.

Lossy encoding can be viewed as a low-bit-depth quantization of a signal. The precision of this quantization depends on the selected bitrate, while quantization noise (a compression error: the difference between the original and the decoded signal) is spectrally shaped to be minimally audible — this is achieved by a psychoacoustic model.

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The amplitude of quantization noise depends on the chosen bitrate and signal complexity. Slowly-changing tonal signals are easy to approximate, while random noises are hard (see the examples below). The amplitude of compression noise is often proportional to the signal level, much like with a 32-bit floating-point sample format. The noise of a 32-bit float format is always 150 dB lower than the signal level, while the noise of mp3 or AAC compression is usually only 15–30 dB below the signal level.

When quantization noise is added to the waveform, it can change the peaks levels. If the waveform has been brickwall-limited to a certain level, chances are that 50% of waveform peaks will rise in level.

Time is everything, and we’ve added even more AudioSuite plug-ins to RX 7 Advanced to help you get more of it back. User-favorites Dialog Isolate and De-rustle are now also available in Pro Tools AudioSuite, giving you even more flexibility in your audio repair workflow. RX 7; iZotope; 7 Advanced; Version 7.01; 32-bit and 64-bit; Windows 7, 8 and 10; The Industry Standard for Audio Repair. Designed specifically for the demanding needs of post production professionals, RX 7 Advanced introduces brand new processing powered by machine learning, powerful AudioSuite tools, and multichannel support up to 7.1.2. Dec 18, 2018 iZotope RX Post Production Suite. Everything You Need for Post Production. RX Post Production Suite 3 is the flagship of the RX line and features four of iZotope’s most powerful tools for audio post-production – RX 7 Advanced, Insight 2, Neutron 2 Advanced, and RX Loudness Control. RX 7; iZotope; 7 Advanced; Version 7.01; 32-bit and 64-bit; Windows 7, 8 and 10; The Industry Standard for Audio Repair. Designed specifically for the demanding needs of post production professionals, RX 7 Advanced introduces brand new processing powered by machine learning, powerful AudioSuite tools, and multichannel support up to 7.1.2.

iZotope Radius

Radius offers several settings which can be adjusted to get better results. The best strategy is always to experiment as much as possible, since Radius's behavior can be very dependent on the source material you are using. We understand that finding the optimal settings can be time-intensive, so in this section we offer some general guidelines for adjusting Radius settings.


The most important choice you will make when using Radius is between Mix and Solo modes. You should use Solo mode only when processing a single instrument with a clearly defined pitch. The human voice is a good candidate for solo mode, as are most stringed instruments, brass instruments, and woodwinds. For all other types of source material, Mix mode will usually offer better results. Also note that when a single instrument sounds more than one note at once, for example during a chord on a piano or guitar, mix mode is a better choice.


In Mix mode, the transient sensitivity can be adjusted to get ideal results. A value of 5.0 is a good default to try first. If the transient sensitivity is too low then attacks become smoothed out or muffled. If the transient sensitivity is too high then you will hear a stuttering sound, especially in the lower frequencies.


In Solo mode, the adaptive window size can significantly affect the quality of Radius's output. If the adaptive window size is too small, you will hear a squeaking noise which sounds like the pitch of the audio is changing very rapidly. If the adaptive window size is too large then the sound will become grainy as you will begin to hear portions of it being repeated. A good approach is to start with a small window size such as 10.0, then increase the window size until the squeaking noise described above does not occur. If you cannot get the distortion to disappear then you should probably switch to Mix mode for processing.

For many single instruments, Formant Correction can help Radius produce more natural, transparent results. Typically you will leave the Formant Correction Strength set to 100% and the Formant Correction semitones set to 0.0. If you hear what sounds like an EQ adjustment to your audio then you can try lowering the strength to reduce this artifact. To achieve special effects, for example to change the perceived gender of a human voice, try adjusting the semitones away from 0.0.

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Izotope Rx 7 Compression System

Finally, here are some specific tips for using Radius in a variety of situations:

When stretching percussive material, you usually want transient sensitivity set to its maximum value of 10.0

When performing time compression (shrinking the length of audio), lowering transient sensitivity can help reduce artifacts.

Izotope Rx 7 Compression Pack

Bowed instruments such as the violin and cello are especially affected by the transient sensitivity setting in Mix mode. If you hear a stuttering artifact, lower the transient sensitivity to eliminate it.

Izotope Rx 7 Compression System

Shift Formants

Pitch shifting single instruments (especially bass instruments) can benefit from some adjustments to formant correction. Try enabling formant correction and moving the strength between 10% and 20%. Move the Formant Correction semitones part of the way towards your pitch shift amount. For example if you're pitch shifting +4 semitones, move the Formant Correction Semitones between 2 and 3. This can help bring back subtle percussive elements in the original source material.

The formant frequencies of the human voice can actually shift slightly when we sing. You can use the Formant Correction Semitones control to compensate for this. For example, if pitch shifting a human voice by +7 semitones, try setting the Formant Correction semitones between 0 and +2 for more natural results.

Pitch Coherence

The Pitch coherence control in the Radius control panel preserves naturalness of timbre for pitched solo voices, such as human speech, saxophone or vocals. While traditional vocoders can smear these signals in time and randomize phase, the pitch coherence parameter of Radius preserves phase coherence for these signals. High values of pitch coherence will avoid phasiness in Radius's output at the expense of roughness (modulation) in processed polyphonic recordings. (mix mode only)

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